Further Adoptable Elements from Games

Many elements deployed in today’s games have the potential of adaptability to gamified processes.

Combo: Consecutive successful actions are additionally rewarded by the game. Both in games and in most of the gamification projects, consecutive-reliable-successful participation is one of the main needs and can be rewarded with points or badges (Battlefield Series, Mortal Combat Series, Street Fighter Series).

Turn-based gameplay with transition to real-time during emergencies: It is a game structure where players choose their actions for the upcoming turn; but if any unexpected events occur that need player decision, the game interrupts the turn and ask for additional actions from the player (Total War Series, Civilization Series). Most of the industrial gamification processes can benefit from this approach to cope with new situations that are faced during autonomous strategy deployment.

Adjustable Difficulty level (playing modes): Nearly all games (except casual games) provide users to select between different modes at the beginning of the game. Some games also allow users to change difficulty during gameplay. Moreover, some games change difficulty automatically and seamlessly according to user performance (Rocksmith, Democracy 3). It is a much preferable option since the user does not have to think about the exact difficulty that fits his performance as their skills improve.

Country leaderboards: While gamification project mostly has leaderboards to foster competition, video games have additional leaderboards where country performances are compared (Trackmania Nations, Brain Wars). This adds an additional motivation to players to perform better. Additionally, even they are not playing as groups, they tend to cooperate for their common good. An international gamification project can benefit from this method to foster engagement.

Online Communities: In addition to in-game socialization, supportive forums or online community websites with player profiles are preferred in multiplayer games to increase socialization between players and form a community (Steam Community).

Online Statistics: Some multiplayer games show the players that are online to engage other to enter the game. It can also be a useful method in gamified processes (Steam Community).

Online Updates: The game mechanics and contents are usually updated to fix some bugs, add new missions, extend the story and provide new challenges. It can be an effective option to attract bored players.

Player-made Contents: Several multiplayer games support gamer made contents to engage productive users and extend the game world and scenarios (Spore, Little Big Planet).

Source: Our ongoing project GReSBAS

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